My New Camera Bag

A few weeks months ago this precious beauty came in the mail. Just before purchasing, I had given up on my search for a camera bag, as I was deeply disheartened by the lack of pretty camera bags at a price I could afford. I wanted something that which did not look like a camera bag and was a price that a student with a very, very low income could afford. It had been a long long search, this post proves just how long, and I had decided to give up when Jo Totes had announced an upcoming line of bags which made my heart stop and my purse burst open. Seriously. I emailed them immediately and asked them to let me know when they were available so I could buy one immediately. My precious has arrived and I am so happy with my purchase.

And yes, I am the one that made a hole in the box, as I was that excited to open it.

If you like it, you can find the same one here.

I'd love to know what you think!

New Specs

I recently had to get a new prescription since apparently my previous one was "completely wrong and hazardous for my eyes" ... WHOOPS. Since I had to get some new lenses, I decided I should get a second pair of frames. These are so pretty!! Very similar to my old ones but they are dark purple on the front and the back (what I can see, and you can see in the next pic) is light purpley pink. They are also a bit of a different shape, but still similar. I am very excited though!

I hope you like em!