New Blogs

Oh my, I think I am addicted to blogs. It's a sickness.

But here are three new blogs I've found which I thought I'd share:

Lou La Vie
Here on this adorable blog I saw this picture and just had to share it.

Little Random Happiness
Here I found a recipe for raspberry macaroons and they look delicious.

How good do they look?!?!? I will have to try make these myself as soon as possible!!!

*UPDATED* Happy Mail Love has been deleted but was such a cute idea. If you were ever fortunate enough to find this blog before it was removed, and if you did ever receive a piece of mail from them, I would love to know!  

I love mail. I love getting mail, sending mail, even just reading about mail (I also follow Send More Mail and Dolce Vita - My Life In Lists Swap). 

Hope you like these blogs, if you haven't already found them first.

Are there any new blogs you've found recently that you'd like to share??


  1. fyi, the Happy Mail Love blog link don't seem to be working. - it says blog not found. makes me wonder how some blogs are just deleted without notice.

    just the other day, I went to visit a favorite blog but the user deleted her blog just like that. I wonder how many blogs gest deleted each day.

    yeah, it's these kind of thoughts the stray around my mind when I have nothing better to do.

    hope you're having a happy day.

  2. lissa: Oh, thankyou for telling me. That's so sad. It was such a sweet idea.
    I guess some people delete their blogs if they don't have many readers yet or if they have too many. Maybe the demand just became too much and she couldn't handle it anymore? Having a blog, even a little one is quite a commitment.

    I suppose, thankfully, there are always hundreds of other blogs out there!

  3. Hi Samantha! thanx for sharing my blog! i'm glad you like it! i'm fairly new to blogging :)but love it!just a few things i still need to figure out! keep in touch and goodluck with your studies! x

  4. Lou: Haha, no problem. I just recently found it and I love it. Oh, I'm so new to it myself as well, still trying to work out many kinks but it is fun isn't it?!
    Thankyou muchly! XO
